Welcome to the

Ambassador Circle of Giving

Who we are

The Ivy Foundation, Inc.’s Ambassador Circle of Giving is a group of enthusiastic leaders devoted to helping the Foundation address issues affecting the growth of children and families through activities that include education, health, economic development, and the arts. Ambassadors represent the spirit of unity, service, philanthropy, and progress.

 They are committed to:

1) supporting and raising awareness of our core programs, initiatives, and events,

2) championing our four pillars: education, health/wellness, economic development, and the arts; and

3) contributing between $1,000 to $5,000 within five years of their commitment.

Choose Your Giving Level

This page allows you to pay monthly for two years for the Ambassador Circle of Giving.

Ambassador Circle of Pink: 2-Year Plan ($1,000 Total)
Every month

✓ Engaging dialogue
✓ Networking opportunities
✓ Invitation to special events and programs
✓ Recognition on the Ivy Foundation website
✓ Assistance and input in hosting fundraising events and MORE!
Ambassador Circle of Green: 2-Year Plan ($2,000 Total)
Every month

✓ Ambassador Circle of Pink benefits
✓ Acknowledgment at the podium at special events
Ambassador Circle of Pearls: 2-Year Plan ($2,500 Total)
Every month

✓ Ambassador Circle of Pink benefits
✓ Ambassador Circle of Green benefits
✓ Curated collection of monthly service programs
Ambassador Circle of Diamonds: 2-Year Plan ($5,000 Total)
Every month

✓ Ambassador Circle of Pink benefits
✓ Ambassador Circle of Green benefits
✓ Ambassador Circle of Pearls benefits
✓ Induction into the Founder's Circle

How It Works

What Defines An Exemplary Ambassador

  • Item description